Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So, I have finally relaxed my insanely controlling grip on the lives of my children, as well as taken a step forward into modern society. I Briana Martinez, bought my very first t.v. today. We did have a little hand me down t.v. that got no channels, for the kids to play video games on once in a while, but never had I ever thought I would see the day come that I would actually buy a t.v. for watching. I bought a cheap dvd player too. I just could not take the fighting, and the discontent any longer. I figured I would give them 30 minutes to and hour of t.v. a day(if they are good) limiting it to mostly PBS and movies that I have o.k.'d to give them something entertaining, and maybe give them a chance to learn some things that I may have overlooked. Also, I am figuring this will give me a chance to cook dinner, wash dishes and maybe just read a book...

We will see how it all pans out. I have kept the receipt just in case, and if they will no longer take it back, I know where the pawn shop is. I just thought maybe a little t.v. would not kill them and it may even help them to better integrate themselves into society. who knows? I may become a less controlling mother just yet.

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