notes from dreamland
Current mood: nerdy
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
so last night I had another one of my wierd ass dreams. those of you who know me, know this is common. the only odd thing is that i have been fairly happy lately. no need for something this dark...
so, apparently I worked for a rich man. very good looking, very influential. seems like he may have been a politician. I was basically his personal maid. He sent me out to get one of his suits(white seersucker) drycleaned for some big lecture that he was supposed to attend/speak at. I of course did the typical dreamland thing, and forgot all about it.... only remembering when he asked me for it and then when I went to find it I realized that it was completely wrinkled. Noticeably so. I was cornered. he was waiting. when I brought it to him, he turned really red in the face and started shouting at me. he had a dog with him. golden retreiver pit bull mix actually. when the dog registered that his master was angry, he leaped up at me. I was wearing a puffy nylon parka, and he bit into it under my right arm, on my torso. I heard and felt the puncture sound of his teeth ripping through the puffy fabric. I felt nothing, so I assumed that his teeth missed their mark. the only thing was, he could not seem to let go of me. his jaw was locked. I started to swing around in circles trying to shake him off. it sort of hurt, but i still thought i was safe. finally, my friend(alexis which is strange seeing as how i do not usually dream of those i know...also, she is the only one that i know in real life who has dreams as bloody as this) came out of nowhere with an axe, and cut his body off at the neck, and his head dropped off seconds later. we lifted up my jacket only to reveal my blood soaked pants, and lifted it further to find two puncture wounds where his teeth had ripped through my ribcage. it was starting to swell and turn black. the man started shouting that he hoped i would die, that i was an awful person for killing his dog. i started to faint from the pain(it felt fucking real)and my little friend grabbed me up and dragged me out of there. in search of a hospital that could give me a tetanus shot. I kept trying to tell her that i lost my epi pen, and she shouted at me that "it is not a goddamned bee sting!" she got me to a hospital, and they laughed and told us that they were all out of tetanus shots. in her anger, my friend dropped me on the ground and started shouting, I could feel my blood flowing out. my body growing colder. finally they noticed me long enough to stop the bleeding. they told me that all they could give me was a shot of morphine that they just happened to have laying around. at least it would dull the pain. she kept on shouting that that was unacceptable but i nodded and feebly said..."yes" "please" they shot it into my armpit becasue my veins were collapsing from the previous loss of blood. then things grew fuzzy and i could still feel the pain as my jaw began to lock and i had the horrible realisation that i had lock jaw and there was really nothing and no one that could or would save me.
this is by no means, one of my more interesting dreams, though defnitely more gory but as i said before, i dont usually dream about those i know, including myself, so when i do it is something that sticks in my mind all day, especially when my life has been pretty mellow. I guess I just needed to write it out of me. ah well, it is my birthday in less than 24 hours, so...happy birthday to me. thank the gods, despite the rabid dogs, that i am still alive.
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