Wednesday, January 14, 2009

knowledge is power.
Current mood: thirsty

First of all, let it be known that this is not so much a political rant as a spiritual rant about politics and the life we as americans or better yet humans, are all in together.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I have never been so excited about a presidential race...ever. yeah yeah yeah, the last time, when Bush fought for his second term, I was on the edge of my seat, my heart in my throat, my fear taking over because I already felt that I knew the outcome. I knew that his charisma would win out once more despite the obvious fact that he was an imbecile. Kerry just was not powerful enough. Not charismatic enough because I hate to say it but that is what it has boiled down to over the years, a popularity contest. We could be sad about this or we could do what I have already done, see a glimmer of hope or better yet a bit of amusement at the thought that the stupidity of the masses may just tip the the right direction, or at least the direction that may make this country salvageable for now. Of course everybody has their opinion on the matter and mine does not matter much in the big scheme of things and really, nobody elses does either and that is why i am not giong to go into the details of the election or my particular views on the matter. I just wanted to take a moment and appreciate the beauty of a growing consciousness (within this country at least) that has slowly been making an effort to defy violence and vote for beauty, whether that be literally or figuratively.
I have lived so much of my life in fear. In fear of the future, in fear of fate. Having children at first only intensified my fears, made them even more real, more imminent. I have, over the course of my career as a mother, learned to let go of those fears and embrace the strength within. I guess that is why I take interest in these things...politics and such. Not that I believe in them or really care all that much about them, I know that there are a lot of untruths littering our perspective of our government. I only like to keep up, arm myself with what knowledge I can to keep my fears at bay and teach my daughters that knowledge is power and you have to know exactly what is going on so that you can attempt to make your decisions wisely. so yes, i take an extreme interest in this election, knowing that history is being made and that we are on the verge of destruction, another empire possibly about to expire. I am intrigued by this race, this competition to see who will come out on the proverbial top and inherit this giant pile of decaying shit...and that my friends, is how I keep the fear tamped down...I take it all for what it is and keep my eyes wide open because life is what it is and that is all that is. we are all going to die, in fact we are all dying right now so let's have a good time, find amusement where we can and love and nurture our children to give them the strength to reach adulthood and be able to experience every range of emotion and physical sensation because I guess that is what it is all about. Living. So, here we go.

But hey, that is not to say that I have not studied the logistics of sustainable living, gardening and pretty much surviving if our current political climate grows hotter, even less stable and our food/oil/energy sources grow more scarce because as I said before, knowledge is power. and the real, inevitable truth is right there on the horizon.

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