| Living, breathing, understanding Category: Life While living and breathing, my life has taken me through so many emotions. Sadness, happiness, love, hate, desperation, helplessness, elation and more. Throughout it all, I have found myself trying to make sense of it all. Trying to find understanding whether it be of myself, or the world around me. I have gone through at times, blindly breathing, feeling, doing, while at other times I have had moments of clarity, moments where I believe that what I am doing is what I need to be doing to be sane and comfortable. Throughout it all, I have been just trying to gain understanding the only ways I know how. By keeping my eyes open as much as possible, seeing the things around me and finding ways to appreciate them. Recognize them as being part of my fate. Things like going for a walk with my four year old daughter on a brisk fall day, with the leaves turning from yellow to orange to red, the wind blowing the ones ripe for decay all around the little body of my daughter, clad in brand new jeans, embroidered with purple and pink flowers and her purple sweater, the hood pulled up over her little head, pink shoes tripping through the leaves and branches on the cracked sidewalk while watching her grip the new purple umbrella I bought her earlier in the day when the sky had opened up, letting loose a cold wintery rain. While no longer raining, she is intent on having this purple umbrella above her…Things like making a bowl of kettle corn over the stove for both of my girls in the middle of the day, the wind howling around our little house, a fire in the fireplace, crackling and popping every so often as we bump fingers, fighting for the best bits of popcorn, me sitting, silently gazing at their beautiful downturned faces while listening to their chatter, their farfetched stories of princesses and schoolyard drama, my eldest daughter making up theories for everything as she goes along, inadvertently persuading her little sister to believe in the unimaginable…Things like going for a ride in the car when the air turns warm, the smell of grass and soil in the air, all of our windows rolled down, hair blowing, music blaring, looking back in the rearview mirror and watching them dance and sing to themselves, to eachother, the sun shining on their light brown and honey colored hair, everything new, everything simple…things like looking up at the sun shining through the trees, lighting up the fall leaves like fire and knowing that I may one day use that image in a painting or watching the face of a person I love and wanting, more than anything, to capture the shapes of it, the lights and shadows with my hands, paint, and a paintbrush on canvas, memorizing the lines forever…things like making love with another person and knowing that it is something more divine than sex because at that exact moment, I am connected to that person in a way that cannot happen while fully clothed. Feeling as though, through this connection, I am creating something powerful, something magical or even feeling as though through the action of making, giving and receiving love, I am healing, not hurting a part inside myself and my partners self that may be damaged from the past…even things like laying awake at night, thinking and worrying about my daughters lives, about my life. Thinking of things that I cannot change, thinking of things I can and knowing that these moments like all of the others, are important…the dark and the light are both important when trying to gain understanding. I cannot have one without the other. Maybe I know this from keeping my eyes open, my mind alert and my heart warm and yielding…maybe I just know this from age. Turning thirty has changed me in a way, made me more receptive, warmer and more understanding of the life around me. Growing older has made me feel more comfortable inside my own skin, more able to appreciate the beauty of myself and what is around me without squirming around, worried about how I appear or what I am going to do next. So, maybe the conclusion I am coming to is this: breathing is living and living is finding understanding and finding understanding is what makes me feel complete and when I am finally complete, I can die without regret, knowing that I tried to see and understand what was around me as best I could and knowing that it was all worth it because lived, breathed and tried my best to understand the life around me. |
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